Теннисистка Елена Докич за 1,5 года похудела на 53 кг — фотофакт

Бывшaя чeтвeртaя рaкeткa мирa Eлeнa Дoкич рaсскaзaлa, чтo зa 18 мeсяцeв oнa пoxудeлa нa 53 килoгрaммa.

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18 months later and 53 kilos lost. Even though I have posted ‘before and after pictures’ before and I have posted unflattering pictures of myself and my journey,it’s never easy to do it publicly.I think it’s important to do it though because here on Instagram most of the things you see are pretty pictures and that’s ok.I have them myself but I think it’s also important to keep it honest and real and show the not so perfect images and stories sometimes.That’s the reality of life and we all have tough stories,battles and journeys and I am proud of mine. I am not here to brag about how much weight I’ve lost.This is about my tough journey which I am still on and will be for a long time,it’s about the mental battle and the battle with myself and then it’s about the kilos. I just want to show that we all have our battles,stories and journeys.This is firstly a mental battle then a physical one and it’s hard.The fight to get fitter and healthier starts with the head and the battle with yourself. I had many tough days and I still do.I used to binge eat,then starve myself,overtrain then undertrain and then feel sad and guilty.It was a vicious cycle and most worryingly I didn’t love myself. You ask yourself if it’s all worth it,who am I and why am I doing this to myself and why can’t I find the solution and win this battle. It’s still hard to find the balance sometimes.But I fight,I believe and I don’t give up.It doesn’t matter how many times you fall,it matters how many times you get up and try again. I just want to say that it’s not easy and trust me I know,but keep fighting.You will have highs and lows but just keep going.A day at a time.Don’t sweat that burger or cake you had but keep going and keep striving to be the best,healthiest and fittest version of yourself.Its all about balance and most importantly stay strong mentally and don’t stop loving yourself on the way.

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